Thursday, October 2, 2008

Flylady! in Dallas!

Have you checked out Flylady's website yet? It includes how to organize your life with basic routines and oh so much more. If you are sick, or going through stress, this internet support group could easily be just the thing you need. If you have ADD, or ADHD, for check her out. It could completely turn your life from chaos to calm.

Flylady is going to be in Dallas this Saturday. Yahoo is giving her a free party in honor of having reached 500,000 members. And I'm going. Her website sent out a request for people to do an interview. I thought you might like to see what I sent back. Here goes:

Yes, I can do the interview. But I don't know if you want me. I have basic routines down, thanks to Flylady, and our lives run so much better. I have been doing ths for about five years now. I usually do the weekly cleaning, and quite frankly my husband usually does it with me...which takes about a half an hour total and wow, it winds up being fun. It just gives you such a feeling of satisfaction. we have fallen off of the five minute pick up before bed routine because I fall asleep in the lounge chair watching tv. And Leanne, what a woman! There are only two of us who eat out often, but I have at least two of her cookbooks, and I love them. When our lives are hectic, seriously stressed to where I can't even think, I always copy (on my copier) a week of menus with the shopping list and head to the store. And that's it, that's about all I do. But this little I do has revolutionized my life and I wish I had had them forever. I can tell the interviewer that the routines have have not only created calm in day to day activities, and calm when going through stress like here comes a hurricane, but they have also redirected my life during down times. In the past ten years I have faced a huge amount of betrayal and rejection from very close family members, largely due to money. But even during my most hurt periods, I would still find myself crawling out of bed, pulling up the covers and thereby starting my morning routine! Tears and all! (even camping when my husband is still sleeping LOL I would be pulling up my side of the covers) Other than not having a messy home, daily routines did something for me mentally. Each routine reminded me, each time, "I can take care of myself emotionally. I can do this. Each day I can take care of myself emotionally just like I do these routines physically. Even if no one else is there for me, I am strong and resourceful and I can get through this." I bet all flybabies are like this. And that mental shift, alone, is simply amazing. Thank you Flylady.

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