Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Going to a High Altitude?

If you have ever had altitude sickness, you know it stinks. You can literally think you have the flu. It can not only ruin your vacation, but land you in the hospital if you aren't careful.

When I worked at Brazos Natural Foods, I was lucky enough to work with a woman who had run a ranch in Wyoming. Now this is a woman who knows about altitude sickness! She said to start taking choraphyl a month before leaving and then during your trip. You get altitude sickness from a lack of oxygen to your cells. Red blood cells make oxygen. Choraphyl enables your body to make more red blood cells, therefore more oxygen, and therefore, less altitude sickness. Ask your local health food store what brands most people have the most luck with

Also, make sure you drink plenty of water. There are brands of water that have extra oxygen pumped into them.... your health food stores, and specialty stores will have them.

As inconvenient as it is, traveling slowly, by car to your higher altitude is preferable to flying if you get altitude sickness. I, for one, do get altitude sickeness, but if I drive, I don't. I have given my body a full 48 hours to adapt.

Of course I also take a lot of Co Q 10, (minimum 300mg/day) which increases your body's oxygen. Smile.

And another thing, and this I got from an emergency room doctor in Colorado....don't drink while you are on vacation at a high altitude. Alcohol is dehydrating. This doctor said the number one person visiting their ER is always an out of state hunter, come to capture the big game with the boys during the day, and drink all night as if they were back in college. It is not unusual for these idiots to have to be life flighted to the hospital.

Did you learn something? I hope so!

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