Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Stomach Ulcers

Do you have stomach ulcers or know of someone who does? You might want to try aloe vera. Read this story:

Rowena Tucker, 48, teacher, lactation consultant, retired Physicians Assistant

"About ten years ago, I had not one ulcer, but two. I had read Prevention magazine for about thirty years. That got me to reading other alternative medicine information. Somewhere in all of this information, I knew that aloe vera was used to cure stomach ulcers.

My mother had always kept aloe vera around when we were growing up to use for burns. So I knew from personal experience how powerful aloe could be as a healing agent.

I went to my local health food store and bought a jug. It was a jug in the shape of a maple syrup bottle. I don’t know if that’s what they have now or not. I remember it was the unadulterated type, 100% aloe vera. It was more of a gel than a liquid. I used to swallow about four glubs, once in the morning, once in the evening. I choked it down. It was not bitter, just different. I used up the bottle. This took about 2-3 weeks.

It cured my ulcers. They never returned, even though I continued, off and on, to have digestive problems.

It wasn’t until about five years later that I recognized that I had the symptoms of celiac disease. I got my doctor to order the test for celiac disease, and this test confirmed it. Now I just leave all gluten out of my diet and I have no digestive problems. Of course, leaving all gluten out of your diet, isn’t as easy as it sounds, but you get used to it."

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