Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine

Inspiration of the Day: Thoughts become things, so choose good ones.

You are probably a very sick person who is most likely medically minded. If your doctor doesn't have an MD stamped behind his or her name, well, she or he isn't a REAL doctor, right? And if if whatever you are taking isn't a pharmaceutical, it isn't really going to work, right? If you keep thinking this way, you aren't going to get well.

Here you are very sick, right? And yet you have only used western medicine. What does that tell you? Western medicine has left you very sick with no options. What are you looking for, a medical doctor to pull a pharmaceutical or a surgery out of his bag and say, whoa, Nelly, this is it for your chronic disease.

Modern western medicine is absolutely fabulous in acute situations. Witness any of those reality life flight/emergency room shows. WOW. I can cry from thanksgiving not only for the wonderful work these folks do, but for the fact that mankind has evolved to this point.

But modern western medicine is lousy at helping people with two things:

  • getting well and

  • staying well.

If you are like me, you would like to just stay well and never get sick, right? And since you are sick and reading this, you not only want to get well, you don't want anyone you know and love to get sick either.

Well, consider this. Modern western medicine as we know it, with it's life saving pharmaceuticals and surgeries has been around for what, about 100 years? Chinese medicine, on the other hand has been around for over 6000 years.

Chinese medicine is the use of herbals for illness and wellness. Acupuncture is based on points on the body that influence and are influenced by body energy. We are all energy.

How well does it work? Dr. Dorene Witter, DC, often uses acupuncture, first, to get quick results, especially when a patients funds are limited, they don't' have the money for extensive testing, and they need to feel good now. Big heads up here! Is this you? Think about it.

And, no, those little needles don't hurt. I have fallen asleep with them in and rolled over onto them and felt only irritation. Kid you not! And yes, modern western medicine, in need of concrete scientific proof, has found that those little baby energy fields in your body really are there. Some doctors even have machines to detect the energy field before they insert the needle. I think they do it more for the questioning patient, than for themselves LOL.

Many chiropractors, like Dr. Witter, are also trained in acupuncture. So are a handful of medical doctors. If you don't feel comfortable walking into an acupuncturists office, for Pete's sake, try a chiropractor or medical doctor with acupuncture training.

If you keep thinking that only a medical doctor and a pharmaceutical and a surgery are going to help your body to heal, and it's been months or years and so far you aren't better, think something else. Your thoughts do become the action you take. You wouldn't have come to my website if you weren't looking for something better, trying to be convinced that natural medicine works, right?

Just for today, change your thinking. Tell yourself, 'natural medicine works great and I am going to try acupuncture first'. For just one day, change your thinking. Every time you think about how bad you feel, think that sentence. Relax, you can go back to thinking your regular skeptical thinking tomorrow ;-)

Joke of the Day: "If you think you have problems with mathematics, I can assure you, mine are far greater" Albert Einstein

Recipe of the Day:

Barbecue Sauce (from Four Ingredient Cooking by Joanna Farrow) again, this contains no high fructose corn syrup YEA!

  • Two 14 ounce cans chopped tomatoes with herbs or garlic
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 1 tablespoon molasses
  • 3 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
  1. Put everything into a medium, heavy saucepan
  2. Bring to a boil and cook, uncovered, until the mixture is thickened. STIR OFTEN with a wooden spoon to stop the sauce from sticking to the base of the pan.
  3. Season with salt and lots of freshly ground pepper
  4. Serve or refrigerate

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