Monday, July 7, 2008


In my last blog, I told you that Healing ADD covers many different aspects of ADD and is invaluable if you or someone you know has ADD.

Today I will be covering a couple of different aspects of ADD/ADHD Dr. Amen talks about in his book. One is exercise, and the other is food.For a week only, keep a daily journal of everything you or your ADD person puts into their mouth. Pay particular attention to the protein to carbohydrate ratio. Also, record the amount of exercise done, type and length. Did it get the blood flowing? How was the behavior/attitude afterwards? On page 25, Dr. Amen says "Exercise boosts blood flow to the brain. Unfortunately, children and teens get much less exercise than they did 20 years ago." On page 25, "Most ADD children and adults simply do better on a high-protein, low-simple-carbohydrate diet."...."A lack of protein causes a tremendous problem with focus throughout the day"

If you haven't gotten the book yet, think about these two alone. Just these two dramatically change peoples' lives.

I know of several people with ADD symptoms throughout their entire family, who have figured this out for themselves. Most have never had themselves or their families tested, (although they may have had teachers complain about their children) Somehow, these miraculous people have figured out, on their own, through trial and error, that daily hard exercise of at least 20-30 minutes and a high protein diet KEEPS them and their children happier!!! I do so sincerely wish I had been as observant as my children grew up, and throughout my whole life!

And yes, I know of a couple of ADD people who are vegetarians and get all their protein from vegetable sources, and they also run.
My husband "wogs" daily. He calls wogging a combination of jogging and walking. He knows for a fact that it helps him focus better. And I can tell you for a fact that the weekends when we eat high protein with a lot of salads and vegetables, we are happier. This is very tricky, because we start off every Saturday with a donut and coffee and then garage saling.... and it is all too easy to stop somewhere around lunchtime, for a burger, hot dog, or chopped beef sandwich. These kinds of stores are everywhere, on virtually every corner, and when you are hungry, all too easy to say "we eat so well throughout the week, oh lets just sin a little."
Are you like this too? Especially on the weekends? It is really hard to keep a high protein diet going when you are running kids everywhere. But for one week, it might be worth it to try and see the difference in behavior for yourself, and whomever else you think my have ADD.
Good Luck!

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