Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Depression: Routines and Flylady

If you have never checked out Flylady, do so. This miraculous, wonderful woman helps all of us with routines. It helps you if you are depressed, have ADD or ADHD, or just can't seem to keep your home and personal life as organized as you would like.

When you and your home function, you feel better. It is that simple. You feel in control of you destiny. Remember that last blog. The 4th tip to happy people was to control your destiny. This is especially important if you have been laid off, are newly retired, chronically sick and/or bedridden.

I have read testimonials from people using her site, that involve all levels of depression from mild, overwhelmed to the serious, schizophrenic. Controlling your destiny through daily routines helps all levels of depression. If you are depressed, try it!

I believe in you! Don't give up!

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