Tuesday, July 8, 2008


If you, or your child has ADD/ADHD symptoms as well as occasional vaginal, or rectal itching, you might want to consider a systemic yeast infection as a part of the problem.
Another way to determine a systemic yeast infection is like this picture shows. Spit into a glass of chlorine free water, and let the water sit to see if stringy things with legs grow after a few days. These strings are yeast from a yeast overgrowth in your mouth (thrush).
If you suspect ADD/ADHD symptoms could be caused by yeast, you really need a holistic health care provider, not traditional medicine/traditional talk therapy. Tradional western medicine usually has no idea of the connection.

Although.... I did see Dr. Phil do a show on ADD, and when he heard one ADD symptom child had had multiple rounds of antibiotics prior to the behavior change, he said, "I think your problem is fungal" meaning yeast, and referred the mother and child to a specialist he knew.
How does yeast in the gut (mouth to rectum) infect a brain? Simple: leaky gut syndrome. Check my blog for leaky gut syndrome.
If you walk into any good, well rounded health food store (versus nutrition for bodybuilders primarily), you are going to find a lot of ways to kill yeast and resupply the gut with flora lost through antibiotics. Ask them for what sells the most, and what people seem to have the best luck with.

For me, by far, the best yeast killing machine I have used is olive leaf extract. I use tablets, not liquid. I take two tablets, twice a day. I think most children are told by their holistic health care provider to take one tablet, twice a day. Find a good holistic health care provider and do exactly what they tell you to do. There are now a whole line of digestive enzymes made specifically to target yeast. Some people even chew up plain papaya tablets before going to bed at night, after brushing teeth, to eliminate the yeast in their mouths (thrush.)
There are prescriptions for an oral antifungal medications. For some people these work, but for some, like me, they don't work at all. If you are using a holistic medical doctor this is easy because he or she can write the presciption and reccomend all kinds of natural herbal stuff as well. If your medical doctor isn't holistic, you can still get a prescription and give it a try.

As well, it is always a good idea to check out Dr. William Crook's book, THE YEAST CONNECTION http://www.yeastconnection.com/

He, and every holistic health care provider, will tell you to take the person infected with systemic yeast, off of simple carbohydrates during the detox stage and slowly reintroduce these items into the diet one the gut flora has been re-established (yeast dead, probiotics resupplied.) Simple carbohydrates include sugar, honey, white flour and bread, etc. but don't worry, Dr. Crook even has a cookbook to help you. And relax, this diet phase won't last forever. And if yeast is the causative agent of the ADD/ADHD, the results can be truly remarkable.

Good Luck!

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