Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Depression: 4 keys to Happiness

I totally just got this from Yahoo Health, and they totally got it from a book by David G. Myers, PhD. called THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS: WHO IS HAPPY AND WHY.

If you like what you are reading here, either buy Dr. Myers book, or read more about it on Yahoo Health. This is the brief summation that I got out of it.

  1. Self Esteem: Happy People like themselves. They are both positive and realistic.
  2. Are hope filled.
  3. Are outgoing.
  4. Control their destinies. Happy people's time is filled and planned. They are punctual and efficient. Unhappy people's time is open, uncommitted, they postpone things and are inefficient.

The last one would explain why people who are laid off, or new retirees with no new goal, or chronically sick and/or bedridden, are all depressed more than those who are busy. If you fit into any of these categories, seriously consider some way to organize your day and your time to where you feel vital.

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