Sunday, July 20, 2008

ADD/ADHD Arctic Cod Liver Oil

You get the most omega threes in arctic cod liver oil. As well, the best results I have observed in parents and individuals with ADD/ADHD has been using arctic cod liver oil, versus say, flax seed oil. So far, every doctor I have talked to has recommended a load dose of one teaspoon twice a day for children and one tablespoon, twice a day for 12 and above. Observe the difference in about six weeks time. As one mother of an ADD child said (herself ADD) "I began to feel so much calmer." If there are any bi-polar tendencies you definitely want arctic cod liver oil in the line up. You can cut back to once a day after that.

Yes, you can do pills. Dr. Janice Poole recommends keeping them in the freezer for less burping. Generally, six of those large capsules equals one tablespoon, two equal one teaspoon. And children generally do better with the liquid, because it is easier to swallow.

Note: the easiest way I know if I have been accidentally forgetting to take my arctic cod liver oil, is if I am cutting onions and my eyes start to water. If my dosage is correct, that flat doesn't happen!!! Try it and see. Same thing with my husband.

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