Wednesday, July 23, 2008

DHA: essential fatty acids

Since we were just talking about arctic cod liver oil yesterday, I thought it appropriate to include this email I got from Dr. Sears is America's pediatrician. You have probably seen him on numerous talk shows. Artic cod liver oil is high in DHA, the right kind of esstial fatty acid that your body needs. You can hit this website and subscribe to his emails.

The average American brain is getting enough fat, but it's not getting the right kind of fat. Your brain is 60% fat. What growing brains need are ‘smart fats’ such as Omega-3 fatty acids such as DHA, found abundantly in seafood, which may help with everything from good vision to better performance in school. DHA is the primary structural component of brain tissue, so it stands to reason that a deficiency of DHA in the diet could translate into a deficiency in brain function.
The DHA levels in the breast milk of American women is significantly lower than it was 50 years ago. So it’s important for pregnant women and nursing moms to get an adequate supply of DHA. Plus it isn’t always easy to get your children to eat enough seafood to get adequate levels of DHA. In these cases you can try a supplement that will help children get their daily recommended amount of Omega-3 DHA.

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